Pod Hive with Live Pods
Our Pod Hives are seeded with live pods (copepods and/or amphipods) to add to your aquarium, sump or refugium which provides the following benefits to any reef aquarium.
- Cleanliness: Pods eat organic waste, microalgae, and phytoplankton, which helps keep the tank clean.
- Food source: Pods are a high-protein food source for fish and other predators.
- Nutrient cycling: Pods help cycle nutrients through the aquarium.
- Algae control: Copopods can help control the growth of nuisance algae.
- Detritus control: Pods can help control the build-up of detritus
These uniquely designed 3D printed Pod Hives provides pods with a safe home to live and breed continuously. This aesthetically pleasing quality product is made from 100% reef sale material.
Supply of live pods (copepods and/or amphipods)
Great food source for picky eaters such as Wrasses, Copperband and Mandarins
Safe breeding ground for pods to reproduce
Increase the pod population in any reef aquarium
Aesthetically pleasing design
Durable and easy to clean
The high print quality provides significant surface area for copepods to colonize
Light weight, reef safe and does not float
So how does it work?
- Acclimate the pods to the new aquarium environment
- Shine a light onto the bag so the pods scatter for cover into the hive
- Remove from the bag and sink the Pod Hive into your sump or refugium.
- Allow the copepods to settle in for a day or two
- Harvesting:
- Turning on a light source for 15 minutes.
- Once the pods have run home, place into a container and move to the display
- Either shake to evict the copepods or place under rockwork for an hour or two.
- Return the Pod Hive to the sump or refugium. Try to leave some in the hive to grow out and breed
- If you are adding directly to the aquarium place the Pod Hive under some rock work to encourage them to come out and explore the new territory on their own.
Harvesting – If your sump or refugium is healthy and teaming with pods, you could harvest daily, otherwise twice a week is a good start.
Dimensions (mm): 50 x 50 x 50
Weight: 90g
Material: Reef safe