Ludwigia Palustris ‘Atlantis Dark Orange’ (Tissue Culture Pot)


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Ludwigia Palustris ‘Atlantis Dark Orange’

Ludwigia Palustris ‘Atlantis Dark Orange’, sometimes known as Ludwigia Sp. Atlantis is a beautiful aquarium stem plant that can show different shades of yellow to dark orange colours in a planted tank.  Depending on the lighting used and addition of micronutrients there is great potential to produce beautiful pops of colour in a planted aquarium.

Like other stem plants, Ludwigia Dark Orange can be propagated by trimming the stem and replanting. Trimming should be done frequently to achieve a bushy style that is sought after by enthusiasts. The growth rate is moderate and can be encouraged with Co2 and a nutrient source.


Tissue culture plants are grown in vitro from a state of the art laboratory specialized in propagating aquatic plants. This means you can enjoy strong and healthy plants free from pests and diseases from the start.

Plant Info:

  • Type: Stem
  • Family Name: Onagraceae
  • Origin: North America
  • Care: Easy
  • Light demand: Moderate to High
  • CO2 : Not Required
  • Growth rate: Moderate
  • Height (cm): 12 – 25
  • Propagation: Stem Cuttings